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Tamtatouche, a small village placed amount mountains. The view is sensational.”Chalet des amis” is a nice and quiet Kasbah made in the old & traditionel form (Berber archetectur) where you will feel confortable and in a familiar way.

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Telephone : 0670234374

Adresse : Tamtatoucht 18 km far from Todra Gorges and 34 km from Tinghir, 45800 Tinghir

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€ 0.00


Kasbah of les Amis “Friends” is in the entrence of Tamtatouchte village, 18 km far from Todra Gorges and 34 km from Tinghir (in The End of the grooves). A large stone house with two large living rooms. One is in the basement, it is spawning in summer and temperate in winter, very nice located cons down the road. The second is also very wide at the floor.Four large rooms withe showers & W.C ,two medium bedrooms with bathrooms, two simples and a suite for famillies with kids. (10 rooms with bathroom still under construction).


Terrasse - Bar - Parking - Tous les repas sont compris -

Position À Ouarzazate


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